Anything for Her



Diane Kruger and Vincent Lindon star in this oddball, implausible French thriller about an ordinary guy (Lindon) who plans to spring his wife (Kruger) from prison after she is wrongly convicted for the murder of her boss.

The wildly unlikely explanation for the murder and its real culprit is crammed into the briefest flashback, to make room for the wildly unlikely main action, in which Lindon cases the prison and its hospital in great detail, and gets jail breakout tips from a latterday Henri Charrière-type bestselling author.

The fundamental silliness and improbability of everything is an insuperable problem.

convicted - skazany

crammed – zapełniony, zapchany

culprit – sprawca, winowajca

implausible - nieprawdopodobny

insuperable – nie do pokonania, nie do przezwyciężenia

latterday – ostatni, niedawny

oddball – dziwaczny

spring (from prison) – pomóc uciec z więzienia

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